My Button


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Heya, this is my Website!

don't have a lot to write I ain't the most creative guy /_ \

Credits to Zuul Akihara for the PNG avatar

About Me:

I'm MLG2460, just a bloke from Hungary who wants to try VTubing, with racing games/driving games being the main focus, as I take part in a few championships hosted by tracc Racing Community .



Games I like to play:

Also world No.1 VPet enjoyer (out of my friends, and people I know :D)

My Hours in VPet (2267 for now)

I can only be officially found on Twitch, and Discord username: mlg2460 , but I do not have a server as I find it too much work for now, or any other social media, because I don't see a reason to use any other ones

Though I do have a Guestbook, which you can check out Here!